How to Save Drafts on TikTok and Download Them to Your Phone

TikTok is a popular app that lets you create and share short videos with millions of users around the world.

But sometimes, you may not want to post your videos right away, or you may want to save them for later editing.

That’s where the drafts feature comes in handy.

Drafts allow you to save your videos on TikTok without publishing them, so you can work on them whenever you want.

But how do you save drafts on TikTok? And how do you access, edit, or delete them?

In this article, we will show you how to save drafts on TikTok and answer all your questions about this useful feature.

How to Save Drafts on TikTok

An infographics on how to save drafts on tiktok
An infographics on how to save drafts on tiktok

Saving drafts on TikTok is very easy and straightforward.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

– Open the TikTok app on your phone and tap the “+” icon at the bottom to start creating a video.
– Record or upload your video and add any effects, filters, stickers, sounds, or text you want.
– When you are done, tap the “Next” button at the bottom right corner of the screen.
– On the next screen, you can add a caption, hashtags, and other details to your video. You can also choose who can view your video and whether to allow comments, duets, stitches, or downloads.
– Instead of tapping the “Post” button at the bottom right corner of the screen, tap the “Drafts” button at the bottom left corner of the screen.
– Your video will be saved as a draft on TikTok. You will see a confirmation message saying “Video saved to drafts”.

That’s it! You have successfully saved your video as a draft on TikTok. You can repeat the same process for any other videos you want to save as drafts.

How to Access Drafts on TikTok

To access your drafts on TikTok, you need to go to your profile page.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

– Open the TikTok app on your phone and tap the “Me” icon at the bottom right corner of the screen to go to your profile page.
– On your profile page, you will see a section called “Drafts” on the left side of the screen, below your bio and above your videos. Tap on it to see all your saved drafts.
– You can scroll through your drafts and tap on any one of them to open it in full-screen mode. You can also see the number of drafts you have at the top of the screen.

How to Edit Drafts on TikTok

An infographics on how to Edit Drafts on TikTok
An infographics on how to Edit Drafts on TikTok

To edit your drafts on TikTok, you need to open them in full-screen mode. Here are the steps you need to follow:

– Access your drafts on TikTok by following the steps above.
– Tap on the draft you want to edit to open it in full-screen mode.
– On the full-screen mode, you will see two options at the bottom of the screen: “Delete” and “Edit”. Tap on the “Edit” option to start editing your draft.
– You can edit your draft the same way you edit a normal video on TikTok. Change the effects, filters, stickers, sounds, text, or other elements of your video. You can also trim, cut, or adjust the speed of your video.
– When you are done editing, tap the “Next” button at the bottom right corner of the screen.
– On the next screen, you can change the caption, hashtags, and other details of your video. You can also change the privacy settings of your video.
– When you are ready to post your video, tap the “Post” button at the bottom right corner of the screen. Your video will be published on TikTok and removed from your drafts.
– If you want to save your changes without posting your video, tap the “Drafts” button at the bottom left corner of the screen. Your video will be updated and saved as a draft on TikTok.

How to Delete Drafts on TikTok

An infographics on How to Delete Drafts on TikTok
An infographics on How to Delete Drafts on TikTok

To delete your drafts on TikTok, you need to open them in full-screen mode. Here are the steps you need to follow:

– Access your drafts on TikTok by following the steps above.
– Tap on the draft you want to delete to open it in full-screen mode.
– On the full-screen mode, you will see two options at the bottom of the screen: “Delete” and “Edit”. Tap on the “Delete” option to delete your draft.
– You will see a confirmation message asking you if you are sure you want to delete your draft. Tap on the “Delete” option again to confirm your action.
– Your draft will be deleted from TikTok and you will see a message saying “Draft deleted”.



Drafts are a great way to save your videos on TikTok without publishing them, so you can work on them later or keep them private.

You can easily save, access, edit, or delete your drafts on TikTok by following the steps we have shown you in this article.

We hope this article has helped you learn how to save drafts on TikTok and make the most of this feature.

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