What Does Pinning Mean on TikTok and How to Do It in 2024

TikTok is one of the most popular and addictive social media platforms in the world, with over 1 billion active users.

It allows users to create and share short videos, often with music, filters, stickers, and other effects.

TikTok also has many features and functions that make it more fun and engaging, such as duets, stitches, trends, challenges, and more.

One of these features is pinning, which lets you highlight certain videos or comments on your profile or posts.

But what does pinning mean on TikTok, and how can you do it in 2024?

In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about pinning on TikTok, and give you some tips and tricks on how to use it effectively.

What does pinning mean on TikTok? In this article, you will learn the meaning and benefits of pinning comments on your profile or posts.
What does pinning mean on TikTok? In this article, you will learn the meaning and benefits of pinning comments on your profile or posts.

What is pinning on TikTok?

An infographic on PurposeS of pinning on TikTok
An infographic on PurposeS of pinning on TikTok

Pinning on TikTok is a feature that allows you to pin up to three videos or comments to the top of your profile or posts.

When you pin something, it will stay at the top of the list, regardless of the chronological order or popularity.

This way, you can draw attention to the videos or comments that you want your followers or viewers to see first.

Pinning can be useful for various purposes, such as:

  • Showcasing your best or favorite videos
  • Promoting your latest or upcoming videos
  • Highlighting positive or funny comments
  • Responding to questions or feedback
  • Announcing news or updates
  • Creating a theme or mood for your profile or posts

Pinning on TikTok is easy to do, and you can pin or unpin anything at any time. However, there are some limitations and rules that you need to follow, such as:

  • You can only pin videos or comments that you own or have permission to use
  • You can only pin up to three videos or comments at a time
  • You can only pin videos or comments on your own profile or posts, not on others’
  • You can only pin videos or comments that comply with TikTok’s community guidelines and terms of service

How to pin videos or comments on TikTok?

Pinning videos or comments on TikTok is easy and simple. Here are the steps to do it:

How to pin videos on TikTok

An infographic on How to pin videos on TikTok
An infographic on How to pin videos on TikTok
  • Open the TikTok app and go to your profile page
  • Tap on the video that you want to pin
  • Tap on the three dots icon at the bottom right corner of the screen
  • Tap on “Pin” in the pop-up menu
  • You will see a confirmation message that says “Pinned to the top of your profile”
  • You can pin up to three videos on your profile page
  • To unpin a video, tap on the three dots icon again and tap on “Unpin”

How to pin comments on TikTok

An infographic on how to pin comments on TikTok
An infographic on how to pin comments on TikTok
  • Open the TikTok app and go to the post that has the comment that you want to pin
  • Tap on the comment section at the bottom of the screen
  • Tap and hold on the comment that you want to pin
  • Tap on “Pin” in the pop-up menu
  • You will see a confirmation message that says “Pinned to the top of the comments”
  • You can pin only one comment on each post
  • To unpin a comment, tap and hold on the comment again and tap on “Unpin”



Pinning on TikTok is a useful and fun feature that lets users showcase their videos or comments on their profiles or posts.

Pinning on TikTok can help users increase their visibility, engagement, and creativity on the app.

To pin videos or comments on TikTok, users just need to tap on the pin option in the menu and confirm their choice.

Users can pin up to three videos on their profiles and one comment on each post.

Users can also unpin videos or comments anytime they want.

Pinning on TikTok is a great way to express yourself and connect with your audience on the app.

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