How to Save a TikTok Draft to Camera Roll

TikTok has taken the world by storm, becoming the go-to platform for creative expression.

As users craft their unique content, the ability to save drafts to the camera roll becomes essential.

This guide will walk you through the process, ensuring your TikTok masterpieces are safely stored on your device.

How to Save a TikTok Draft to Camera Roll
How to Save a TikTok Draft to Camera Roll

What are TikTok Drafts?

TikTok Drafts are a feature within the TikTok app that allows users to save their unfinished videos directly on the platform.

TikTok users cannot view these drafts, as they are unpublished content that provides creators with a private space to work on their videos before they are ready for public sharing.

Here’s a brief overview of what you can do with TikTok Drafts:

  • Save unfinished videos to resume editing at a later time.
  • Edit drafts by adding new clips, music, filters, and more.
  • Preview content to ensure it’s ready before posting.
  • Post-approval workflows in a business setting, where drafts can be reviewed and approved before going live.
  • Avoid accidental posts that might go against TikTok’s Community Guidelines.

How to save a TikTok draft to camera roll on Android

Saving a TikTok draft to your camera roll on an Android device is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open TikTok: Launch the TikTok app on your Android device.
  2. Go to Profile: Tap on the profile icon at the bottom-right corner of the screen.
  3. Access Drafts: Select the ‘Drafts’ folder to view your saved drafts.
  4. Choose Your Draft: Tap on the draft video that you want to save to your camera roll.
  5. Save the Draft: Unfortunately, you cannot directly save the draft from this screen. You’ll need to tap ‘Next’ to proceed with the saving process.
  6. Set Privacy: Under the ‘Who can watch this video’ section, select ‘Only me’ to ensure the draft remains private.
  7. Save to Device: Ensure the ‘Save to device’ option is enabled. This will save a copy of the draft to your camera roll when you post the video.
  8. Post: Finally, tap ‘Post’. The video will now be saved to your camera roll and you can find it in your phone’s gallery app.

To save a TikTok draft to your camera roll on an iPhone or iPad, follow these steps:

  1. Open TikTok: Launch the TikTok app on your device.
  2. Go to Profile: Tap on the profile icon at the bottom-right corner of the screen.
  3. Access Drafts: Select the ‘Drafts’ folder to view your saved drafts.
  4. Select Your Draft: Choose the draft video you wish to save.
  5. Proceed to Post: Tap ‘Next’ to go to the posting page.
  6. Set Privacy: Tap ‘Who can watch this video’ and change it to ‘Only me’ to keep the draft private.
  7. Save to Device: Scroll down, tap ‘More options’, and toggle on ‘Save to device’.
  8. Post: Tap ‘Post’. The video will now be saved to your camera roll and will be visible only to you.



In the whirlwind of creativity that is TikTok, your drafts are the seeds of potential viral hits.

With the ability to save these works-in-progress to your camera roll, you’re not just preserving videos; you’re safeguarding your creative spark.

This guide has illuminated the path to ensure that your TikTok drafts are not lost in the digital ether but instead, are tucked away in the sanctuary of your device—ready to be polished, perfected, and presented to the world when the moment is just right.

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