How to Reset TikTok Algorithm in 3 Easy Steps

Want to see different videos on your For You page? Learn how to reset TikTok algorithm in 3 easy steps and refresh your feed.
Want to see different videos on your For You page? Learn how to reset TikTok algorithm in 3 easy steps and refresh your feed.

TikTok is a popular app that lets you watch and create short videos on various topics.

But sometimes, you may feel bored or annoyed by the videos that show up on your For You page, which is the main feed that TikTok’s algorithm recommends to you based on your preferences and interactions.

If you want to see different types of videos and refresh your For You page, you may need to reset TikTok’s algorithm.

But how can you do that? In this article, we will show you how to reset TikTok algorithm in 3 easy steps and get a new and improved For You page.

Step 1: Clear TikTok’s Cache

How to clear TikTok's Cache
How to clear TikTok’s Cache

The first step to reset TikTok’s algorithm is to clear TikTok’s cache.

The cache is a temporary storage of data that TikTok uses to load videos faster and save your preferences.

However, the cache can also accumulate a lot of outdated and irrelevant information that can affect the algorithm’s performance.

Therefore, clearing the cache can help TikTok’s algorithm to start from scratch and learn your preferences anew.

To clear TikTok’s cache, follow these steps:

  1. Open the TikTok app and tap on your profile icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.
  2. Tap on the three-dot menu icon at the top right corner of the screen and select “Settings and privacy”.
  3. Scroll down to the “Cache and cellular data” section and tap on “Free up space”.
  4. Tap on “Clear” next to “Cache” and confirm your action.

Step 2: Dislike Videos You Don’t Want to See

The second step to reset TikTok’s algorithm is to dislike videos you don’t want to see.

TikTok’s algorithm learns from your likes, comments, shares, and views, but it also learns from your dislikes.

By disliking videos that you are not interested in, you can tell TikTok’s algorithm to stop showing you similar videos and to show you more diverse and relevant videos instead.

To dislike videos you don’t want to see, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your For You page and scroll through the videos.
  2. When you see a video that you don’t like, press and hold on it until a menu pops up.
  3. Tap on “Not interested” and choose a reason for your dislike. You can also tap on “More” to hide videos from a specific user or with a specific sound.
  4. Repeat this process for as many videos as you want to dislike.

Step 3: Follow Users and Topics You Like

The third step to reset TikTok’s algorithm is to follow users and topics you like.

TikTok’s algorithm also learns from your follows, which indicate your interests and preferences.

By following users and topics you like, you can tell TikTok’s algorithm to show you more videos from them and related to them on your For You page.

To follow users and topics you like, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Discover page and search for users or topics you like. You can also browse through the trending hashtags and categories to find new and popular content.
  2. When you find a user or a topic you like, tap on the “Follow” button next to their name or hashtag. You can also tap on their profile or hashtag page to see more of their videos and follow them from there.
  3. Repeat this process for as many users and topics as you want to follow.



Resetting TikTok’s algorithm is not a difficult task.

You just need to clear TikTok’s cache, dislike videos you don’t want to see, and follow users and topics you like.

By doing these three steps, you can refresh your For You page and see new and improved videos that match your interests and preferences.

You can also repeat these steps whenever you feel like changing your For You page again.

Have fun and enjoy TikTok!

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