How to Do Transitions on TikTok Like a Pro

TikTok is a popular app for creating and sharing short videos with millions of users around the world.

One of the features that makes TikTok stand out is the ability to do transitions, which are creative ways to switch from one scene to another.

Transitions can make your videos more dynamic, engaging, and fun.

But how do you do transitions on TikTok? There are two main methods: using the in-app transition effects or using your own shooting techniques.

In this article, we will show you how to do both methods, as well as some tips and tricks to make your transitions smoother and more impressive.

An infographic on How to Do Transitions on TikTok Like
An infographic on How to Do Transitions on TikTok Like

Using the In-App Transition Effects

An infographic on how to UsE TikTok's In-App Transition Effects
An infographic on how to UsE TikTok’s In-App Transition Effects

TikTok has a built-in library of transition effects that you can apply to your videos with just a few taps. Here are the steps to use them:

1. Open TikTok and tap the plus button to create or upload your video.
2. Tap Effects at the bottom-left corner of the screen. A menu with several effects will appear.
3. Tap the Transition tab. You will see a variety of transitions in small circles at the bottom of the screen.
4. Select the spot in the video where you want to add the transition. You can drag the white marker on the video timeline or tap the video to pause it at the desired spot.
5. Tap a transition effect to insert it. A colored square will appear over that spot in the timeline where the transition will appear. You can tap the transition effect twice to double it for a more dramatic effect.
6. You can add multiple transitions to one video. Just repeat steps 4 and 5 for each transition you want to add.
7. Tap the play button to preview your video. If you don’t like the transition, tap the undo button below the video to remove it and try another one.
8. Tap Save when you’re done. You can then add other details to your video, such as sounds, text, stickers, filters, voice effects, or voiceover.
9. Tap Next and type a description for your video. You can also adjust your settings, such as who can view, comment, or duet with your video.
10. Tap Post to share your video with your followers and the TikTok community.

Using Your Own Shooting Techniques

If you want to have more control and creativity over your transitions, you can use your own shooting techniques to create them.

This method requires more practice and skill, but it can result in some amazing effects.

Here are some examples of shooting techniques you can use to create transitions:

  • Finger snap: You can snap your fingers to change your location, outfit, or appearance. To do this, record yourself snapping your fingers in one scene, then change to another scene and record yourself snapping again. Make sure you are in the same position and angle for both scenes. Then, trim the clips so that the snaps are at the end and the beginning of each clip, respectively. This will create a seamless transition between the two scenes.
  • Hand swipe: You can swipe your hand across the screen to make yourself disappear or reappear. To do this, record yourself in one scene, then swipe your hand from one side of the screen to the other. Stop recording when your hand covers the whole screen. Then, change to another scene and record yourself swiping your hand from the other side of the screen to the original side. Stop recording when your hand leaves the screen. Then, trim the clips so that the swipes are at the end and the beginning of each clip, respectively. This will create a smooth transition between the two scenes.
  • Head push: You can push your head to the side to switch to another scene. To do this, record yourself in one scene, then push your head to the side with your hand. Stop recording when your head is out of the frame. Then, change to another scene and record yourself pushing your head back to the center with your hand. Stop recording when your head is in the frame. Then, trim the clips so that the pushes are at the end and the beginning of each clip, respectively. This will create a fun transition between the two scenes.
  • Hoodie: You can use a hoodie to change your outfit or appearance. To do this, record yourself in one scene, then pull your hoodie over your head. Stop recording when your face is covered by the hoodie. Then, change to another scene and record yourself pulling your hoodie off your head. Stop recording when your face is revealed by the hoodie. Then, trim the clips so that the hoodie movements are at the end and the beginning of each clip, respectively. This will create a surprising transition between the two scenes.

Tips and Tricks for Better Transitions

An infographic on tips and Tricks for Better Transitions
An infographic on tips and Tricks for Better Transitions

Here are some tips and tricks to make your transitions better and more professional:

  • Use a tripod or a stable surface to hold your phone or camera. This will prevent shaky or blurry videos and make your transitions smoother.
  • Use good lighting and sound. Make sure your scenes are well-lit and clear. Avoid background noise or music that may interfere with your transitions.
  • Practice before you record. Try to rehearse your transitions before you record them. This will help you avoid mistakes and glitches and make your transitions more natural and fluid.
  • Be creative and have fun. Experiment with different transitions and effects. Try to surprise your viewers and make them laugh or gasp. Don’t be afraid to express yourself and show your personality.



Transitions are a great way to spice up your TikTok videos and make them more entertaining and engaging.

You can use the in-app transition effects or your own shooting techniques to create transitions.

You can also follow some tips and tricks to make your transitions better and more professional.

With some practice and creativity, you can do transitions on TikTok like a pro.

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